There's no question that the tech industry is booming. But, behind all of the success stories, there are countless women who are struggling to break through the barriers that keep them from achieving their full potential in tech. This isn't just a problem for these women – it's a problem for our economy and society as a whole. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the biggest workplace barriers for women in tech and discuss ways to overcome them.

Women in tech face discrimination

At every stage of their careers, from the classroom to the boardroom, women are constantly being told that they don't belong in tech. This discrimination can take many forms, from subtle microaggressions to overt sexual harassment. And, it's not just coming from men – women in tech are often pitted against each other in a "catfight" for scarce resources.

In addition to discrimination, women in tech also have to deal with a workplace culture that is often hostile to them. This culture can manifest itself in many ways, from all-male teams and "programmer" antics to a lack of family-friendly policies.

Below we want to share three barriers and potential ways to deal with them. Of course, there is no one solution that will work for everyone, but we hope that this will start a conversation about how to make the tech industry more inclusive for women.

Workplace Barriers

The "Bro Culture"

Bro culture is a term used to describe the all-male, testosterone-fueled environment that is often found in the tech industry. This culture is characterized by discrimination against women, a lack of family-friendly policies, and an overall hostile environment.

The "Bro Culture" in the tech industry affects women in a number of ways. For starters, it creates a hostile and discriminatory environment, where women are often treated as outsiders. This culture can also lead to all-male teams and "programmer" antics, which can be very intimidating for women. Additionally, the "Bro Culture" often promotes a "work hard, play hard" mentality, which can be difficult for women who are already juggling multiple responsibilities.

There are a few things that women can do to combat the "Bro Culture" in the tech industry. First, it's important to build positive relationships with your co-workers. Get to know them on a personal level and let them get to know you. This will help to create a more inclusive environment where everyone feels like they belong. Additionally, you can take action against specific instances of discrimination or hostility. If you witness or experience something that makes you feel uncomfortable, speak up. Let your co-workers know that this behavior is not acceptable. Finally, you can also join forces with other women in tech to create a support network. There are many professional organizations for women in tech, like WomenTech Network, that are dedicated to empowering women in tech.

The "Bro Culture" is just one of the many workplace barriers that women in tech have to face. But, by raising awareness of the issues faced by women in tech, we can take steps toward making the workplace a more inclusive environment for everyone.

Related videos to diversity & company culture.

The "Imposter Syndrome"

The "Imposter Syndrome" is a term used to describe the feeling of self-doubt and inadequacy that many women in tech experience. This syndrome often leads women to question their abilities and doubt their accomplishments. Women with the "Imposter Syndrome" often feel like they are not good enough and that they are only pretending to be experts in their field.

The "Imposter Syndrome" is very common in the tech industry. In fact, a study by Stanford University found that 70 percent of female engineers have experienced it at some point. This syndrome can be very damaging, as it can lead to a lack of confidence and a reluctance to speak up.

The "Imposter Syndrome" is a common problem for women in tech. This syndrome often leads women to question their abilities and to doubt their accomplishments. Women with the "Imposter Syndrome" often feel like they are not good enough and that they are only pretending to be experts in their field.

However, there are ways that women can conquer the "Imposter Syndrome". First, it's important to have a healthy sense of self-confidence. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and remember that you earned your position through hard work and dedication. Secondly, it's important to surround yourself with positive people. Friends and family members who support you and believe in your abilities can help you to overcome self-doubt. Finally, don't be afraid to speak up. If you have something to say, say it! Don't let the "Imposter Syndrome" hold you back from sharing your ideas and insights.

The "Imposter Syndrome" is one of the many challenges that women in tech face on a daily basis. But, by acknowledging this syndrome and learning how to overcome it, we can take steps toward building greater confidence in ourselves and our abilities.

Related videos to Imposter Syndrome.

The Glass Ceiling

The glass ceiling is a metaphor used to describe the invisible barriers that prevent women from advancing in their careers. The term was first coined in the 1970s, and it's still used today to describe the discrimination that women face in the workplace.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the glass ceiling. First, there is a lack of women in leadership positions. This means that women have fewer role models to look up to and fewer mentors to help them navigate the workplace. Second, women are often assumed to be less competent than their male counterparts. This bias can lead to discrimination in hiring and promotion decisions. Third, women are often expected to take on more domestic responsibilities than men. This can make it difficult for women to balance work and home life, which can lead to them being passed over for promotions or opportunities.

The glass ceiling is a barrier that many women in tech face when trying to advance their careers. This ceiling is made up of a number of factors, including the lack of women in leadership positions, the assumption of women's incompetence, and the expectation that women will take on more domestic responsibilities than men.

There are a few things that women can do to overcome the glass ceiling. First, they can seek out mentors and role models who can help them build their confidence. Second, they can practice self-compassion and be kind to themselves when things don't go their way. Third, they should remember that success is not a linear process and that there will be times when they feel like they have hit a ceiling. Finally, they can join forces with other women in tech to create a support network. There are many professional organizations, like Girls Who Code, that are dedicated to empowering women in tech.

By using these strategies, women in tech can conquer the glass ceiling and achieve greater success in their careers.

Related videos to breaking the glass ceiling.

While the tips in the previous sections can help women to overcome workplace barriers, there are some cases where they might not work. For example, if a woman is facing blatant discrimination from her employer, it might be difficult for her to build her confidence or find mentors within her company. In this situation, it's important for women to seek out support from outside sources, like professional organizations or lawyers. Additionally, women of color and LGBTQIA+ women face additional barriers in the workplace that might require different strategies to overcome. In some cases, women who are facing several barriers at their company might find that it is best to leave.


The tech industry has a long way to go in terms of gender equality. But, by acknowledging the challenges that women face and taking steps to overcome them, we can move closer to achieving parity. Let's commit to leveling the playing field for women in tech so that everyone has an opportunity to succeed.